
98-year old patient underwent laser prostate surgery

J. M. is 98 years old and he had prostate problems for 30 years. He was operated successfully by prostatic adenoma with our Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser. The surgery was carried out successfully by a team of "Vita" Hospital, operated by Prof. Dr. Tsvetin Genadiev - Head of "Vita Prostate Center."


"Back then I did not know what prostate was", he recalls the first problems with urination. In time he began to read and get more interested in his health problem and the methods for its treatment. After years of regular administration of drugs and various herbs which did not work, two years ago he decided it was time to have surgery and began to save money.


Once informed of the laser for treatment of prostate adenoma at "Vita" Hospital and after consultation with Dr. Genadiev, J.M. finally decided to make this long-awaited step for him.


Day after the operation, his first words were "Tonight for the first time in 30 years I slept peacefully" and then greeted the team that takes care of him with a song.


Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser is the most accurate of modern lasers for the treatment of prostate diseases.



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