
New type of operation of stone in the ureter at "Vita" Hospital

Today at "Vita" Hospital was conducted an innovative laser operation of stone in the ureter with the new Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser. The stone was larger than 2 cm, and was located in the lower ureter, hindering normal excretory function of the patient. The surgery was performed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tsvetin - leader of the team for laser surgery in the Hospital.


48-year-old PS had complaints connected with the appearance of the stone, for 4 years. Now he found a solution for his problem in the face of the Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser. This contemporary approach is extremely effective, while the procedure does not lead to complications in the surrounding tissues and allows fast recovery.


The Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser is the latest technology for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and urinary stones. It is the first of its kind laser in Bulgarua, stationed in the hospital building.


Both qualities of the Cyber TM Thulium 150 Watt laser, which surpass all lasers so far are high power and controlled penetration into the tissue. This allows the surgeon to quickly and efficiently remove unwanted fat or entity (such as stone), while maintaining control over direction of the laser energy. Furthermore the likelihood of complications is reduced to a negligible level.




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